Reo Wilhour
Aug 6, 2021



The last time I wrote about Grandpa Spillman, Oma Green Spillman, I made several mistakes. I made both kinds, errors of omission and errors of commission. The errors of omission are easier to live with. You can’t include every story or the entire article would be too long. Sometimes you hadn’t heard the story. This means you didn’t talk to the right people yet. That’s a mistake, but perhaps easier to understand.

Errors of commission, such as getting a fact wrong or using the wrong word to describe a situation, are inexcusable. They are especially unforgivable when you are writing about something that others might…



Reo Wilhour

Retired from Parkland College, from Pana, Illinois, Living in Champaign, Illinois, Not a farmer, but always interested in agriculture, and married to Diana.